Welcome to the section On-line Mediation Center

Please, if you want to start on-line cross border mediation fill in the Application form and it will be automatically sent to us / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./.
We shall establish contact with the other party to take consent the procedure to start as well to negotiate the date and the time for the procedure. If required we shall help you with the choice of mediator/s.
Parties are invited through their e-mail addresses for on-line mediation. With this invitation you will be provided with a password and a link to log in “Join”.  The system will remind you periodically for the upcoming procedure.

At the required time log in and follow the steps:

Steps for On-line Mediation!

For active participation in On-line Mediation procedure conducted through WebEx, you need a headset and microphone connected to your computer.
You will be invited through your email address for On-line Mediation!
Date, time, password and a link to log in (Join) are indicated in the invitation.

Figure 1


Once you click on the link (Join) from the invitation received through WebEx or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following window will open. Enter your name, email address and password (provided in your invitation) in the fields below and click "Join" to enter the session.

Figure 2


People using the system for the first time will need to install the ActiveX add-on (Fig. 4) and Check-in microphone, headphone and camera (Fig. 3).

Figure 3



In the window with "Java" Applications, click on "Join the meeting without Java" to start downloading ActiveX add-on.

Figure 4



Install the application. (Fig. 5, 6, 7)
Download the application (Fig. 5)

Figure 5



Confirm by clicking on Run (Fig. 6)

Figure 6


nstallation involves setting your browser to be able to connect to server Webex. The installation does not install additional software on your computer. To use WebEx you need only Web browser and connection to the Internet. Browsers other than Internet Explorer (Firefox 2/3/3.5, Chrome 3) are supported too. You need to enable JavaScript and Cookies.
Wait for installation to complete. Installation takes from 1 to 5 min (Fig. 7)
Click "Use computer for audio"

Figure 7


After installation the following window or versions of windows will open.




We see a white box behind the windows; the Mediator can load his Desktop and display documents, presentations, etc.